We are called by our discipleship to stand with them and make sure that all those who feel vulnerable and threatened know that they are safe with us and that we stand with them. We are called to reach out to and to raise up all those who feel threatened. It is our Baptismal call. Just as Jesus went to the margins, so too we must guard the most vulnerable in every way we can. We need to make known our stance and we need to do so bravely and peaceably. Whether we do this through public protest, through legal actions, through prayer or through personal reaching out to those who are being targeted, we must, each one of us, find ways to stand up and against all forms of racism, bigotry, xenophobia and misogyny.
Today we celebrate Jesus Christ as the Sovereign of the Universe. So let us not despair, let us recall that regardless of how
corrupt the world might look Christ is at work in the world…and that Christ works in and through US! Let us take his earthly life as the model for our lives and follow his command to build up the Reign of God by loving and protecting all of our sisters and brothers as well as the earth itself! Filled with the Holy Spirit what concrete action can I take this week to show my support for all those who are feeling fearful and vulnerable? What movement or organization can I join with to
fight against racism, bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia? How will I live my discipleship of Jesus Christ this week?
God’s Blessings,
Fr. Tim