Social Justice and Outreach Ministry
Social Justice and Outreach Minister:
Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
(Please contact in all instances unless otherwise noted.)
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Advocacy
Our parish commitment to social justice is more fully described by this title -- JPIC Advocacy. We began using a new model in 2015. At its core are a number of issue-based teams (many listed below) that will address social justice with the parish through education programs and opportunities for advocacy and action. There is also a council of 7 individuals who meet monthly and strive to integrate the various parish activities related to social justice whether advocacy-based or through direct service. They use several communication tools to keep the parish informed on issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
JPIC Advocacy Teams
Consistent Ethic of Life Team
In a consistent way, we pray for, stand with and protect any human life threatened by violence or deprivation. We embrace the concept of a Consistent Ethic of Life, beginning in our parish and radiating out into the community. On issues affecting the entirety of human life from conception to natural death, we strive to emphasize how they are all connected. We raise awareness, provide education, and work to promote positive action.
Contact: Shari Zamarra - 703-323-9367,[email protected]
Food Security Team
Hunger is still a reality in our world and even in wealthy Arlington County there are pockets of hunger. This team screens films and fosters discussion around hunger issues. In addition, they provide opportunities for the parish to respond to legislation affecting hungry people, both close-by and around the world.
Contact: Seeking a new ministry lead; your prayerful consideration is appreciated.
Gun Violence and Prevention Team
Take action to help advocate to prevent gun violence. Gun violence is not anti-gun, and is not in violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. Our faith and belief in the teachings of Jesus lead us to a ministry of peace.
Contact: Gerry Laporte - [email protected]
Immigration/Refugee Team
Conditions on the US/Mexico border, unaccompanied minors, dreamers, those seeking citizenship: these and other topics keep the immigration team finding ways to advocate for better lives for migrants. Become informed on the issue of immigration — support and welcome new immigrants locating to the area, engage with others to creatively and actively consider initiatives to enhance the ministry.
Contact: Sabrina Wear, [email protected]
Integrity of Creation Team
The team works to provide members of OLQP with information, insights and inspiration for acting upon the growing concern over the kind of Earth their children and grandchildren will inherit. In conjunction with other organizations, such as the Catholic Climate Covenant, Interfaith Power and Light and Green Faith, the team educates the parish and advocates for the integrity of creation. Participation with this ministry is encouraged. Go to our Integrity of Creation web page for more information.
Contact: Bill Larme - [email protected]
Labor & Income Inequality Team
Concerned about the plight of low-wage workers? Wondering how our economy can continue to leave so many out of prosperity? Join this team to learn more and help provide educational events and participate in actions to restore labor rights and economic equality.
Contact: Lynn Kearney, [email protected]
Respect Life Ministry
The goal of the Respect Life Ministry is threefold: 1) raising awareness of the humanity and civil rights of unborn children, as part of our parish's social justice mission; 2) encouraging our parish community to pray and give public witness through such programs as the Forty Days for Life and the March for Life; 3) educating the community and influencing legislation on issues relating to the seamless garment of life, most particularly, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and war.
Contact: Julie Hanlon Bolton - [email protected]
Justice and Outreach Opportunities
Brown Bag Lunches
Every Thursday 35 nutritious bag lunches are made here at the parish and distributed through partnership with the Shirlington Employment and Education Center.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells - [email protected]
Building Forever Families
The BFF ministry focuses on needs related to adoption, foster care, and children who have been orphaned. The ministry serves and advocates for children living without families, provides peer support and advocates for current and prospective adoptive & foster families, and educates the community about these important topics. We do this in response to God's call to care for children who live without families.
Contact: Debra and Ralph Johnson - [email protected]
Carpenter's Shelter
Each third Thursday of the month OLQP volunteers provide a nutritious meal for the residents of Alexandria's Carpenter's Shelter. Several opportunities for participation are involved: provide a portion of the meal by delivering it to the parish, help in the Hall kitchen by preparing the meal for delivery to the shelter or serve dinner at the shelter. See the bulletin for sign-up opportunities online or on the board in the back of the church.
Contact: Mary Resnick - [email protected]
Capital Area Mobile Food Distribution
Every third Thursday of the month, the Capital Area Food Bank delivers a truck-load of produce, bread, sweets and canned goods to Fr. Ray Hall. The food is distributed to about 200 families from the surrounding community. Volunteers are needed to help pack the produce and supervise the distribution of the food. The time commitment is flexible. Packing usually begins at 9:00, distribution begins at 10:00 and clean-up at 11:30 am.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells - [email protected]
Gabriel Project
We strive to assist struggling pregnant women. Support includes friendship, prayer, transportation, meals, baby clothes and items, connections to local resources. Donations of diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, strollers, and cribs are always needed. Volunteers also serve Spanish speaking women at the Food Pantry on Wednesday mornings.
Contacts: Chrissi - [email protected], Rosie - [email protected], or Marti - [email protected]
Haiti Ministry
This group is committed to facilitating and supporting the linkage of our parish with our sister parish, St. Joseph's in Medor, Haiti. The partnership between Our Lady Queen of Peace, and St. Joseph parish, which began in 1997, has grown because of our common commitment to shared goals. The first goal is to come together in a spirit of solidarity and deepen the relationship between our communities. The second related goal is to support the sustainable community-based development of the people living in the 74-square-mile parish of St. Joseph of Medor. The partnership aligns with the mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace that springs from Matthew 25:40: ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Our belief: we are one family, the body of Christ. For more information on our activities, goals and strategies, visit the Haiti Ministry Page.
Contact: Sue Carlson - 703-969-4597, [email protected]
OLQP Knitters
This ministry began 10 years ago as the Scarves for the Homeless ministry. It has grown to over 50 volunteers with varying skill levels who knit or crochet scarves/hats for homeless men, women and children in Arlington, as well as prayer shawls for OLQP Visitation Ministry, Project Gabriel baby blankets, OLQP baptism blanket gift, and baby/young child blankets for children entering foster care Comfort Cases. The scarves are given as gifts at Christmas to remind the recipient they are remembered. Volunteers knit at their own pace and yarn is frequently donated.
Contact: Marilena Amoni - [email protected].
Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Africa
OLQP promotes awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on African families, and lends moral and financial support and solidarity to African Catholic organizations serving the affected families. A portion of the funds raised through Just$ are being used to help a community project in Mweiga, Kenya.
Contact: Frances Michalkewicz - [email protected].
Ujamaa Committee
Ujamaa responds to the pastoral vision of the universal Church and reflects the special commitment of our parish to remember, reverence and celebrate the faith and gifts of our founders. The committee seeks to bring forth the cultural richness, gifts and skills of Black Catholics and to respond sensitively and forcefully to the needs of African Americans. In addition to cultural and educational events, activities are developed for the whole parish in liturgy, religious training, social justice and leadership training. It is hoped that all members of our multi-cultural parish will contribute and benefit.
Contact: Veronica Dabney - 703-698-8290, [email protected]
VOICE- Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement
As Catholics we have a rich heritage of social justice teachings that challenge us to move beyond charity and seek justice in our own communities and the larger world around us. Our ability to influence positive change in unjust systems is greatly enhanced when we engage with other like-minded people. OLQP is a founding member of VOICE, a community organizing group composed of over 40 faith communities throughout northern Virginia that are united in solidarity with our vulnerable brothers and sisters. VOICE is working on three agenda areas: affordable housing (including the condition of existing housing stock), schools and our country's broken immigration system.
Contact: Nicole Spence-Goon, [email protected] or Chuck Moran - 703-892-4154, [email protected].
Annual Events and Programs
OLQP proudly and generously offers warmth, welcome and a helping hand to our neighbors in need through several annual programs and events - Shoebox Weekend is one fantastic example (see description below) along with the Thanksgiving Food Basket distribution. The programs run like a top but need a good many volunteers to make them happen. These annual programs and the call for volunteers are advertised through the parish bulletin just prior to each event.
Shoebox Weekend for the Homeless
In early December, with parishioner generosity, shoeboxes (filled with comfort items: socks, flashlight, shoelaces, comb, lip balm, cap, nail clippers, grocery card, toiletries, candy and gum) become gifts for our homeless brothers and sisters. At the OLQP Wrapping Station, boxes are transformed into gifts labeled for a "lady" or a "gentleman". Help is always welcome to sort and deliver the gifts once they are wrapped.
Contact: Ann Felker - [email protected]
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
OLQP provides Thanksgiving food "baskets", complete with a 10-15 pound turkey, to over 400 of our hungry area families. Much of the parish participates in this OLQP tradition by "adopting a family" for Thanksgiving. Families of the parish are given two recyclable bags: one that is insulated for the frozen turkey and one for the food items. Parish families (or ministries, or pew mates, or circle families) provide the entire Thanksgiving meal. Many volunteers are needed to register, accept, sort and distribute the meals.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
(Please contact in all instances unless otherwise noted.)
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Advocacy
Our parish commitment to social justice is more fully described by this title -- JPIC Advocacy. We began using a new model in 2015. At its core are a number of issue-based teams (many listed below) that will address social justice with the parish through education programs and opportunities for advocacy and action. There is also a council of 7 individuals who meet monthly and strive to integrate the various parish activities related to social justice whether advocacy-based or through direct service. They use several communication tools to keep the parish informed on issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
JPIC Advocacy Teams
Consistent Ethic of Life Team
In a consistent way, we pray for, stand with and protect any human life threatened by violence or deprivation. We embrace the concept of a Consistent Ethic of Life, beginning in our parish and radiating out into the community. On issues affecting the entirety of human life from conception to natural death, we strive to emphasize how they are all connected. We raise awareness, provide education, and work to promote positive action.
Contact: Shari Zamarra - 703-323-9367,[email protected]
Food Security Team
Hunger is still a reality in our world and even in wealthy Arlington County there are pockets of hunger. This team screens films and fosters discussion around hunger issues. In addition, they provide opportunities for the parish to respond to legislation affecting hungry people, both close-by and around the world.
Contact: Seeking a new ministry lead; your prayerful consideration is appreciated.
Gun Violence and Prevention Team
Take action to help advocate to prevent gun violence. Gun violence is not anti-gun, and is not in violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. Our faith and belief in the teachings of Jesus lead us to a ministry of peace.
Contact: Gerry Laporte - [email protected]
Immigration/Refugee Team
Conditions on the US/Mexico border, unaccompanied minors, dreamers, those seeking citizenship: these and other topics keep the immigration team finding ways to advocate for better lives for migrants. Become informed on the issue of immigration — support and welcome new immigrants locating to the area, engage with others to creatively and actively consider initiatives to enhance the ministry.
Contact: Sabrina Wear, [email protected]
Integrity of Creation Team
The team works to provide members of OLQP with information, insights and inspiration for acting upon the growing concern over the kind of Earth their children and grandchildren will inherit. In conjunction with other organizations, such as the Catholic Climate Covenant, Interfaith Power and Light and Green Faith, the team educates the parish and advocates for the integrity of creation. Participation with this ministry is encouraged. Go to our Integrity of Creation web page for more information.
Contact: Bill Larme - [email protected]
Labor & Income Inequality Team
Concerned about the plight of low-wage workers? Wondering how our economy can continue to leave so many out of prosperity? Join this team to learn more and help provide educational events and participate in actions to restore labor rights and economic equality.
Contact: Lynn Kearney, [email protected]
Respect Life Ministry
The goal of the Respect Life Ministry is threefold: 1) raising awareness of the humanity and civil rights of unborn children, as part of our parish's social justice mission; 2) encouraging our parish community to pray and give public witness through such programs as the Forty Days for Life and the March for Life; 3) educating the community and influencing legislation on issues relating to the seamless garment of life, most particularly, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and war.
Contact: Julie Hanlon Bolton - [email protected]
Justice and Outreach Opportunities
Brown Bag Lunches
Every Thursday 35 nutritious bag lunches are made here at the parish and distributed through partnership with the Shirlington Employment and Education Center.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells - [email protected]
Building Forever Families
The BFF ministry focuses on needs related to adoption, foster care, and children who have been orphaned. The ministry serves and advocates for children living without families, provides peer support and advocates for current and prospective adoptive & foster families, and educates the community about these important topics. We do this in response to God's call to care for children who live without families.
Contact: Debra and Ralph Johnson - [email protected]
Carpenter's Shelter
Each third Thursday of the month OLQP volunteers provide a nutritious meal for the residents of Alexandria's Carpenter's Shelter. Several opportunities for participation are involved: provide a portion of the meal by delivering it to the parish, help in the Hall kitchen by preparing the meal for delivery to the shelter or serve dinner at the shelter. See the bulletin for sign-up opportunities online or on the board in the back of the church.
Contact: Mary Resnick - [email protected]
Capital Area Mobile Food Distribution
Every third Thursday of the month, the Capital Area Food Bank delivers a truck-load of produce, bread, sweets and canned goods to Fr. Ray Hall. The food is distributed to about 200 families from the surrounding community. Volunteers are needed to help pack the produce and supervise the distribution of the food. The time commitment is flexible. Packing usually begins at 9:00, distribution begins at 10:00 and clean-up at 11:30 am.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells - [email protected]
Gabriel Project
We strive to assist struggling pregnant women. Support includes friendship, prayer, transportation, meals, baby clothes and items, connections to local resources. Donations of diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, strollers, and cribs are always needed. Volunteers also serve Spanish speaking women at the Food Pantry on Wednesday mornings.
Contacts: Chrissi - [email protected], Rosie - [email protected], or Marti - [email protected]
Haiti Ministry
This group is committed to facilitating and supporting the linkage of our parish with our sister parish, St. Joseph's in Medor, Haiti. The partnership between Our Lady Queen of Peace, and St. Joseph parish, which began in 1997, has grown because of our common commitment to shared goals. The first goal is to come together in a spirit of solidarity and deepen the relationship between our communities. The second related goal is to support the sustainable community-based development of the people living in the 74-square-mile parish of St. Joseph of Medor. The partnership aligns with the mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace that springs from Matthew 25:40: ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Our belief: we are one family, the body of Christ. For more information on our activities, goals and strategies, visit the Haiti Ministry Page.
Contact: Sue Carlson - 703-969-4597, [email protected]
OLQP Knitters
This ministry began 10 years ago as the Scarves for the Homeless ministry. It has grown to over 50 volunteers with varying skill levels who knit or crochet scarves/hats for homeless men, women and children in Arlington, as well as prayer shawls for OLQP Visitation Ministry, Project Gabriel baby blankets, OLQP baptism blanket gift, and baby/young child blankets for children entering foster care Comfort Cases. The scarves are given as gifts at Christmas to remind the recipient they are remembered. Volunteers knit at their own pace and yarn is frequently donated.
Contact: Marilena Amoni - [email protected].
Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Africa
OLQP promotes awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on African families, and lends moral and financial support and solidarity to African Catholic organizations serving the affected families. A portion of the funds raised through Just$ are being used to help a community project in Mweiga, Kenya.
Contact: Frances Michalkewicz - [email protected].
Ujamaa Committee
Ujamaa responds to the pastoral vision of the universal Church and reflects the special commitment of our parish to remember, reverence and celebrate the faith and gifts of our founders. The committee seeks to bring forth the cultural richness, gifts and skills of Black Catholics and to respond sensitively and forcefully to the needs of African Americans. In addition to cultural and educational events, activities are developed for the whole parish in liturgy, religious training, social justice and leadership training. It is hoped that all members of our multi-cultural parish will contribute and benefit.
Contact: Veronica Dabney - 703-698-8290, [email protected]
VOICE- Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement
As Catholics we have a rich heritage of social justice teachings that challenge us to move beyond charity and seek justice in our own communities and the larger world around us. Our ability to influence positive change in unjust systems is greatly enhanced when we engage with other like-minded people. OLQP is a founding member of VOICE, a community organizing group composed of over 40 faith communities throughout northern Virginia that are united in solidarity with our vulnerable brothers and sisters. VOICE is working on three agenda areas: affordable housing (including the condition of existing housing stock), schools and our country's broken immigration system.
Contact: Nicole Spence-Goon, [email protected] or Chuck Moran - 703-892-4154, [email protected].
Annual Events and Programs
OLQP proudly and generously offers warmth, welcome and a helping hand to our neighbors in need through several annual programs and events - Shoebox Weekend is one fantastic example (see description below) along with the Thanksgiving Food Basket distribution. The programs run like a top but need a good many volunteers to make them happen. These annual programs and the call for volunteers are advertised through the parish bulletin just prior to each event.
Shoebox Weekend for the Homeless
In early December, with parishioner generosity, shoeboxes (filled with comfort items: socks, flashlight, shoelaces, comb, lip balm, cap, nail clippers, grocery card, toiletries, candy and gum) become gifts for our homeless brothers and sisters. At the OLQP Wrapping Station, boxes are transformed into gifts labeled for a "lady" or a "gentleman". Help is always welcome to sort and deliver the gifts once they are wrapped.
Contact: Ann Felker - [email protected]
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
OLQP provides Thanksgiving food "baskets", complete with a 10-15 pound turkey, to over 400 of our hungry area families. Much of the parish participates in this OLQP tradition by "adopting a family" for Thanksgiving. Families of the parish are given two recyclable bags: one that is insulated for the frozen turkey and one for the food items. Parish families (or ministries, or pew mates, or circle families) provide the entire Thanksgiving meal. Many volunteers are needed to register, accept, sort and distribute the meals.
Contact: Sally Diaz-Wells, [email protected]
Our Lady Queen of Peace
2700 South 19th Street Arlington, Virginia, 22204, USA 703-979-5580 Office 703-979-5590 Fax [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed on federal holidays) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 6 pm (young adult) |