Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers
The Altar Server Ministry embraces all people of the parish who have received First Communion, encouraging participation in the liturgies as Gift/Cross Bearers and Altar Servers. This ministry provides an opportunity to grow in understanding of and respect for the celebration of the Eucharist through fuller participation. All, including adults, may join.
Contact: John Ruby - 347-465-7829, [email protected]
Art & Environment Committee
This ministry is responsible for the design and selection of materials, and the construction of vestments, altar and ambo cloths, banners, and other artistic decorations appropriate to the liturgical seasons of the Church Year. This ministry is also responsible for the proper decorating of the sanctuary and church for weddings and funerals, as well as for Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. Additionally, this ministry tends to the selection, ordering, care and feeding of sanctuary flowers and plants. Tasteful, creative ideas, reflecting the guidelines established in Environment and Art in Catholic Worship form the basis for all planning. Two levels of commitment are available with this ministry: assisting during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, or lending your liturgical expertise and artistic skills throughout the year.
Contact: Alice Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) distribute the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ at the Liturgy (Mass) and to our homebound, ill and hospitalized parishioners. EMs are given a mandate by the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington for a five-year term following the completion of the required Diocesan training, which is offered multiple times throughout the year. Typically, ministers are scheduled once or twice a month to serve at Mass and can volunteer for special masses
and funerals. Though full participation in this ministry comes only by way of the Bishop's mandate, interested people may also begin with visits to the homebound offering company and reading material.
Contact: Homebound Ministry, Marcia Fulham, [email protected]
Contact: Distribution at Mass, Keren Charles, [email protected]
Funeral Mass Ministry, Liturgy Planning Team
This team of gentle and empathetic individuals assists bereaved families with liturgy planning offering resource material to choose songs, readings and prayers for the Funeral Mass of a deceased loved one. Extensive training provided for volunteers. Funerals are typically scheduled during the week and on Saturdays. Those who are gifted with an empathetic, caring nature are most especially urged to consider becoming part of this ministry of care and compassion.
Contact: Christina Kozyn - 703-979-5580, [email protected]g
Consider joining the Lector Ministry to proclaim the Word at Eucharistic celebrations! In its publication, Introduction to the Order of Mass, the Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy explains that "In proclaiming the word of God, Lectors exercise their responsibility in the liturgical celebration. God speaks to the faithful through them, and the effectiveness of their proclamation of God's word depends significantly on their conviction, preparation and delivery." Lectors receive training at the parish. While they are not required to be eloquent speakers, the very nature of this ministry calls forward those who can speak/read effectively in public and who are willing to commit themselves to careful preparation. Lectors are scheduled to read approximately once every other month.
Contact: Julene Jarnot - [email protected]
Mass Coordinators
Mass Coordinators assist in ensuring that the logistical details for our Eucharistic celebrations are met. Typically they are scheduled once per month at the Mass they usually attend. Mass Coordinators receive an orientation and training so they are able to provide assistance to our presiders and liturgical ministers, answer questions and locate items. Their function is one of oversight rather than to serve in the roles of liturgical ministers. Mass Coordinators help to ensure that the gathering of God's people is celebrated well.
Contact: Kevin Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
The members of this ministry warmly welcome all as we gather to begin our liturgical celebrations. Ushers/Greeters distribute bulletins, assist with seating and take up the offertory. The time commitment is brief -- Ushers are asked to arrive 20 minutes before Mass and stay 15 minutes after to tidy the church for the next Mass. Be a part of the Ministry of Welcome - be a part of what makes OLQP a great place to worship. Get to know your fellow parishioners and make new friends. Training provided.
Contact: Ginny Franco -703-751-7110, 703-919-5763, [email protected]
Worship Committee
This committee assists the pastor in planning the community's various liturgical celebrations throughout the year. It acts under the guidance of the pastor and in compliance with The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, and the Ordo established for the Diocese of Arlington. The committee is composed of representatives of various parish ministries, including Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Music Ministry, Lectors, Ushers/Greeters, the Art and Environment Committee, the Sacristan, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Baptismal Preparation, and the RCIA Process. The committee meets as needed to reflect on and prepare the liturgical life of our faith community.
Contact: Kevin Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
The Altar Server Ministry embraces all people of the parish who have received First Communion, encouraging participation in the liturgies as Gift/Cross Bearers and Altar Servers. This ministry provides an opportunity to grow in understanding of and respect for the celebration of the Eucharist through fuller participation. All, including adults, may join.
Contact: John Ruby - 347-465-7829, [email protected]
Art & Environment Committee
This ministry is responsible for the design and selection of materials, and the construction of vestments, altar and ambo cloths, banners, and other artistic decorations appropriate to the liturgical seasons of the Church Year. This ministry is also responsible for the proper decorating of the sanctuary and church for weddings and funerals, as well as for Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. Additionally, this ministry tends to the selection, ordering, care and feeding of sanctuary flowers and plants. Tasteful, creative ideas, reflecting the guidelines established in Environment and Art in Catholic Worship form the basis for all planning. Two levels of commitment are available with this ministry: assisting during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, or lending your liturgical expertise and artistic skills throughout the year.
Contact: Alice Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) distribute the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ at the Liturgy (Mass) and to our homebound, ill and hospitalized parishioners. EMs are given a mandate by the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington for a five-year term following the completion of the required Diocesan training, which is offered multiple times throughout the year. Typically, ministers are scheduled once or twice a month to serve at Mass and can volunteer for special masses
and funerals. Though full participation in this ministry comes only by way of the Bishop's mandate, interested people may also begin with visits to the homebound offering company and reading material.
Contact: Homebound Ministry, Marcia Fulham, [email protected]
Contact: Distribution at Mass, Keren Charles, [email protected]
Funeral Mass Ministry, Liturgy Planning Team
This team of gentle and empathetic individuals assists bereaved families with liturgy planning offering resource material to choose songs, readings and prayers for the Funeral Mass of a deceased loved one. Extensive training provided for volunteers. Funerals are typically scheduled during the week and on Saturdays. Those who are gifted with an empathetic, caring nature are most especially urged to consider becoming part of this ministry of care and compassion.
Contact: Christina Kozyn - 703-979-5580, [email protected]g
Consider joining the Lector Ministry to proclaim the Word at Eucharistic celebrations! In its publication, Introduction to the Order of Mass, the Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy explains that "In proclaiming the word of God, Lectors exercise their responsibility in the liturgical celebration. God speaks to the faithful through them, and the effectiveness of their proclamation of God's word depends significantly on their conviction, preparation and delivery." Lectors receive training at the parish. While they are not required to be eloquent speakers, the very nature of this ministry calls forward those who can speak/read effectively in public and who are willing to commit themselves to careful preparation. Lectors are scheduled to read approximately once every other month.
Contact: Julene Jarnot - [email protected]
Mass Coordinators
Mass Coordinators assist in ensuring that the logistical details for our Eucharistic celebrations are met. Typically they are scheduled once per month at the Mass they usually attend. Mass Coordinators receive an orientation and training so they are able to provide assistance to our presiders and liturgical ministers, answer questions and locate items. Their function is one of oversight rather than to serve in the roles of liturgical ministers. Mass Coordinators help to ensure that the gathering of God's people is celebrated well.
Contact: Kevin Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
The members of this ministry warmly welcome all as we gather to begin our liturgical celebrations. Ushers/Greeters distribute bulletins, assist with seating and take up the offertory. The time commitment is brief -- Ushers are asked to arrive 20 minutes before Mass and stay 15 minutes after to tidy the church for the next Mass. Be a part of the Ministry of Welcome - be a part of what makes OLQP a great place to worship. Get to know your fellow parishioners and make new friends. Training provided.
Contact: Ginny Franco -703-751-7110, 703-919-5763, [email protected]
Worship Committee
This committee assists the pastor in planning the community's various liturgical celebrations throughout the year. It acts under the guidance of the pastor and in compliance with The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, and the Ordo established for the Diocese of Arlington. The committee is composed of representatives of various parish ministries, including Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Music Ministry, Lectors, Ushers/Greeters, the Art and Environment Committee, the Sacristan, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Baptismal Preparation, and the RCIA Process. The committee meets as needed to reflect on and prepare the liturgical life of our faith community.
Contact: Kevin Curtin - 703-461-3082, [email protected]
Our Lady Queen of Peace
2700 South 19th Street Arlington, Virginia, 22204, USA 703-979-5580 Office 703-979-5590 Fax [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed on federal holidays) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 6 pm (young adult) |