Perhaps “Sovereign of the Universe” would be a less patriarchal title and convey the same reality. Today throughout the church we focus not just on Christ’s sovereignty over all creation but on Christ’s love for each of us and indeed God’s love for all creation.
The second reading helps to hone the true image of “this Sovereign”...the glory is to be given to the one who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his very life. And if we listen closely, we can hear the echo of the Good Shepherd in Jesus’ final words in today’s Gospel...“everyone who belongs to the Truth listens to my voice.” And so we listen to Christ’s voice in our lives and make Christ the sovereign of our lives. Not as one who lords it over us but as the One who came that we might have eternal life....the One who remains in us and we in Christ...who was, who is, and who is yet to come!
This understanding of Christ as Sovereign of the Universe holds the power to draw us into the enormity of the mystery of the Divine act of creation itself, a holy and selfless act of Love...and we are the progeny of this ever expanding, creating Love.
In a world with far too many despots and tyrants who rule by force and fear, we are called to build up the Reign of God, that all creation might flourish and blossom. For this is a Reign built on love and mercy.
So in the midst of reflecting on the sovereignty of Christ in our lives let us pray for and work towards solutions that help to end war and violence and famine, to fight for an end to systemic racism and all bigotry, to stand up against systemic misogyny and open our hearts and homes to immigrants, migrants and refugees and fight for their human rights...thus building up the Reign of God. Let us not be ruled by fear or violence or self-interest but rather let us be ruled by the “Sovereign of the Universe”, ruled by Love, itself!
Fr Tim