Today’s Gospel is not about “knowing” when Christ will come…but rather about being ready when Christ does come! Am I ready? At the center of the readings is a message of total reliance upon the mercy and love of God. It is about keeping our hearts and minds open to God’s presence in our daily lives and in the world around us! The psalmist reminds us that God is our portion and cup, our inherence and therefore our hearts are glad and our souls rejoice…for we are God’s beloved!
By keeping God at the center of our daily lives we indeed will be ready if the world were to end in our time. Because of the love and mercy of our God we need not fear “the end” for we will be transformed into beings that shine like the stars in the heavens! Through Christ we have inherited eternal life and each of us is a part of “the great cloud of witnesses” who give glory to God. When and where was the last time I felt the presence of God in my life? How do I actively engage in keeping God at the center of my life? How do I give glory to God in my life?
Fr Tim