Last week’s second reading was about “the great gathering”. It was a vision of every person from every race, nation, language and tribe all streaming into the Reign of God…everyone! Today’s second reading tells us that God dwells with humanity, loves humanity, cares for humanity and is making all things new. We are, ourselves living “a journey”…a journey with God and in God. It is a journey of love and Jesus became one of us to try and show us how to love one another as Jesus loves us. Love is the basis of our very existence…we exist because we have been loved into being by the One who above all else “is” Love.
We find ourselves living in the midst of almost apocalyptic like horrors…local and international terrorists, wars and threats of wars, great storms and natural disasters and we can find ourselves feeling over-whelmed and fearful. And yet scripture tells us that even in the midst of such travails love continues to exists, in us, around us and through us! Perhaps one of Jesus’ most difficult commandments was to love one another, even our enemies! In the midst of our current national political debate or should I say “conflict”….where is the care and concern for the poor and the immigrant that Jesus has commanded us to show them?
As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to be that presence of love…even in the midst of conflict….or perhaps precisely in the midst of war we are even more called to be that presence of love and work to end the conflict to build peace and to love one another as Jesus has loved us…even our enemies. How do I live out Jesus’ commandment of love in my daily life? How do I work to build peace and social justice nationally, internationally, in my workplace, in my community and in my family?
Easter Blessings,
Fr Tim