We need to recall Jesus’ promise “I am with you until the end”! These simple words are most profound…there is no need for us to stand gawking skyward with our jaws hanging open. While the physical presence of Jesus Christ as a singular human and divine presence no longer walks the earth…Christ is here, as close as our own breath, keeping us alive to be his presence in our world. As we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus, let us celebrate the presence of the Risen One in our midst!
Before his ascension Jesus gave a clear command and mission to his disciples…to us. We are charged with preaching the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and to be that healing, loving and welcoming presence in a world filled with sickness, hatred and exclusion. How am I a “healing, loving and welcoming presence” to the immigrant, the refugee and to those who experience discrimination, racism and bigotry? How do I “preach” the Good News to my family, friends, coworkers, and to those in political power? How and where do I experience the presence of God in my life?
Easter Blessings,
Fr. Tim