And then all the people start to gather at Peter’s house bringing the sick and the lame and Jesus says he and the disciples must move on to the next village, surely leaving a very disappointed crowd behind. He pushes on because he feels the pull of his mission to proclaim the bursting forth of the Reign of God! He feels the pull of the preaching of the Good News of God! It is that mission that Jesus gave to his disciples, to preach the Good News, even unto the ends of the earth!
One of our Spiritan theologians, Rev. Tony Gittins, CSSp, says that the church doesn’t have a mission as much as the mission has a church! The church exists for the sake of the mission Jesus gave to his disciples. And it is that mission that drives the church and gives it direction. It is that mission that drives all Jesus’ disciples!
How excited am I for living and preaching the Good News?
How does it drive my daily decisions and actions?
What parts of the Gospel do I find most challenging to put into action in my life?
God’s Blessings,
Fr Tim