That doesn’t mean that there is no place for righteous indignation at injustices and violations of God’s call to care for and look after the lost, the last and the least amongst us. Jesus understood “The Law” to be a guide that would lead to a good and faithful life, one that contributed to the building up of the Reign of God, that cared for and valued all God’s children. And as the first reading says “and to none does He (God) give license to sin”.
So I believe we really have to look at what is happening with our national budget as it suggest we slash our “safety net programs and increase our war making budget, decreasing one that ultimately saves lives and increasing one that ultimately takes lives. We keep saying that our national budget is a “moral document”, then we must ask ourselves how it shows forth our love of our sisters and brothers, how it welcomes the stranger, immigrant and migrant and how it combats racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia and anti LGBTQ+ attacks and attitudes. What we stand for politically should be a reflection of our Gospel values. We are called to view the world around us through the lens of the Gospel, with the eyes of Christ! As I look around what do I see, what can I change? To what am I being called as a disciple of Jesus?
Fr. Tim