Then we hear Paul declare that he is not worthy to be an apostle but it is by the grace of God that he is indeed an apostle, and “God’s grace has not been ineffective.” Paul is chosen by Jesus and given a mission to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Paul, like Isaiah, responds in the affirmative to the call he has received even though he is keenly aware of his unworthiness. He recognizes God’s grace is greater than his sinfulness.
And in the Gospel we hear of the encounter between Jesus and Peter, who is astonished by the words and power of Jesus and who is brought to his knees as he proclaims “depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man”. To which Jesus responds “do not be afraid; you will be a fisher of people…and they left everything and followed him.” In each of these stories the chosen one is keenly aware of their own unworthiness but God’s grace is greater than their sinfulness and empowers them to be able to respond in a positive manner to the call they have received.
It is in the midst of our brokenness and sinfulness that God calls us to be disciples on mission, in the world building up the Reign of God in the here and now. Each one of us is a living manifestation of the abundance of the gifts God has placed in the world that the brokenhearted and the wounded might be healed and that we might proclaim the Good News to the world through our words and actions! And all of this happens in the midst of our own brokenness by God’s grace which is always sufficient for the day! What do I hear God calling me to do in my life? Where have I seen or felt God’s grace acting in me or in the world around me? What do I most need God’s grace for in my life right now?
Fr. Tim