Over two thousand years later, we still struggle to comprehend this mystery -- Jesus’ real living presence in the bread blessed, broken and shared. As a Eucharistic Community our gathering focuses on Jesus’ real presence in our midst as we are gathered by his love. The extravagant gift of himself to us is not just for us but for the sake of the world. The real challenge for us is to understand that as we gather for Eucharist, it is not just for our personal salvation but that we are commissioned and sent forth to take that real presence of Jesus Christ out into a broken and wounded world. We are called to be “Christ-bearers”, bringing the healing presence of Jesus Christ to all those we meet but especially to those most in need: the marginalized, the immigrant and migrant, the disenfranchised minorities subjected to racism, bigotry and intolerance.
We are emboldened to speak truth to power, both secular and religious. We are called to speak out against the sins of our nation and of our church. This “real presence” within us emboldens us to be true disciples of Christ in action in the world building up the Reign of God so the world might be, not as we have made it, but as God has dreamed it to be -- a world of peace and justice, a world of equity and harmony where all people’s dignity is honored and respected!
To whom have I recently been “the real presence” of Jesus? How do I share this “real presence” with my family and friends? To whom is God calling me to be “the real presence” so that they might know how deeply and passionately they are loved by God?
Fr. Tim