These words have always touched me very deeply... they speak of a deep and profound love between Mary and God. Imagine your spirit “rejoicing in God” your savior! Imagine your soul proclaiming the greatness of God!
These profound words of Mary are the very heart of the Christian mystical be so in love with God that your very “being” explodes with joy...with an inability to contain this love. This proclamation of Mary’s love has become known as the “Magnificat” and is prayed each evening by Christians throughout the world at evening prayer. Even after all the years I have prayed these words they still touch me deep- ly...and call me to open my heart, ever more, to God.
Can I list one or two “great things” God has done for me? How does my soul proclaim the greatness of God? The ways of God are not the ways of the world: scattering the proud, casting down the mighty, lifting up the lowly, giving to the hungry, and sending the rich away empty. Clearly the arrival of the messiah means that business-as-usual is no long- er the order of day. How can my daily schedule reflect God’s agenda for the world?
Fr Tim