And when Jesus appears to the disciples even though most of them had deserted him and some had even disowned him, Jesus shows no anger or resentment but only offers his peace and forgiveness…his mercy! That mercy and forgiveness falls upon us gently as the rain even in the midst of this pandemic, even in the midst of our fear and anxiety, even in the midst of our sense of lostness and distress the risen Christ walks through this dark night with us, by our side, and to him we may cling just as Mary did when Jesus appeared to her.
Let Christ be our light in the midst of this dark night. And as we celebrate the resurrection, God’s gift to us of eternal life, we celebrate God’s mercy; God’s love and forgiveness which falls upon us as gently as the rain, neither earned nor measured, freely given, for us to take and receive. For or from what in my life might I need forgiveness? Is there someone I need to offer forgiveness to? How is God’s mercy present in my life? How might I be the light of Christ to someone living in the darkness of loneliness, need, fear or other suffering?
Easter Blessings,
Fr. Tim