It is through this Easter miracle that all of us have been raised to new life in Christ, that we gain with Christ immortality because of the love of God, who so deeply and passionately loves us, even in the midst of our brokenness and sinfulness! We are the beloved, and this is what we celebrate each Sunday but especially during the Easter Season and we too are sent to spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and our salvation!
How do we do that, how do we share God’s amazing and passionate love for each of us with others in our lives, in our families, with our friends, at school, at work, in our neighborhood, our county, our nation and the world? In the face of war and famine, in the midst of political and racial injustice and the immigration and refugee crisis, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, in the midst of family disputes or conflict how can or do I share or show forth God’s amazing and passionate love for each one of us and for all of creation?
What gestures or actions can I make this week that in some way will help someone else discover or feel God’s love for them? This is central to our discipleship, that we — each one of us — that we preach the “Good News” that we are the “beloved of God”! That we are never abandoned, no matter how sad or lonely we feel, we are never left alone, our God is with us whether or not we feel that Divine presence. God is within us and surrounds us with love!
Regardless of our sinfulness and our brokenness we are deeply and passionately loved by God, each and every one of us, without exception! That my sisters and brothers is the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, so let us not be troubled!
Easter Blessings,
Fr Tim