Grades 5-6
Grade 5
Goal: To have the student come to a more thorough understanding of the Sacraments, the Liturgy, and the Creed. Instructional Objectives:
Vocabulary (new to Grade) Anointing of the Sick – the sacrament in to which God’s special blessings are brought to those who are sick, elderly, or dying Beatitudes – Jesus’ guidelines for true happiness Cheerfulness – the quality of causing happiness Chrism – perfumed oil consecrated by the Bishop during Holy Week, to use in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders Diaconate – the order of lay clergy (Deacons), who can assist priest in all but the sacrament of reconciliation, consecration of the Eucharist, and anointing of the sick Evangelist – a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching Feast Day – a day set to remember every canonized saint Fortitude – strength in the face of adversity Holy Orders – the sacrament that confers the ordained ministry of bishop, priests, and deacons Incense – a substance that is used in religious ceremonies that produces a strong and pleasant smell when burned Intercessor – one who intercedes in favor of another (prayer) Justice – the quality of being just or fair Liturgical Year – the seasons of the church calendar:
Magisterium – the authority and power of the church to teach religious truth Marks of the Church –one, holy, catholic, apostolic; traits or characteristics of the Catholic Church (one-united, holy- of God, catholic – universal/for all, apostolic – from the apostles) Matrimony – the sacrament that joins a man and a woman together for life Monstrance – a vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament (consecrated host) is exposed for adoration Ordination – the process by which individuals are consecrated and set apart as clergy to perform various religious rites and ceremonies Paschal Mystery –we are saved by the suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus (we get to live forever) Priesthood – a man choosing to dedicate himself to the service of God and God’s Church. He celebrates the sacraments and ministers to the people in the name of the bishop. Reconciliation – a powerful sign in which we celebrate God’s love and forgiveness Revelation – God’s communication of himself and his plan for salvation over time through words and actions. God reveals himself most fully through the actions of Jesus, his Son. Sacraments of Healing – Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation Sacraments of Vocation – Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders Sanctifying Grace – the grace that heals us and our human weaknesses, enabling us to live as God’s children Vocation – a calling to life’s work, a mission, a purpose Vow – a promise made before God Prayers and Concepts to Know Benediction Divine Praises Eucharistic Exposition Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina) Memorare Lesson Themes
Grade 6
Goal: to have the student understand that God’s saving actions and His love are displayed in salvation history and fulfilled in Jesus Instructional Objectives:
Vocabulary (new to grade) Abraham – the father of the Jewish people and Judaism. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised he would be the father of a great nation Chosen People – God chose the Jewish people to be in relationship with him City of David – Ancient Jerusalem Exodus – the Jewish people were delivered from slavery by Yahweh Israel – the promised land Israelites –the descendants of Jacob who inhabited the ancient land of Israel Judges – Moses – an Old Testament prophet whom God called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and slavery Passover – the Jewish holiday celebrating their liberation by God from slavery Patriarch – the male head of a family or tribe Patron Saint –the heavenly advocate of a place, activity, or group of people Profession of Faith – what the Church believes as stated in the Creed Rosary – a traditional prayer to Mary made up of at least 5 decades. In each decade we pray the Our Father and 10 Hail Mary’s Scripture – the Bible, which is a collection of ancient books written by human authors who were inspired by God Sinai – the mountain on which Moses received the 10 Commandments Stations of the Cross – a series of 14 images representing the experiences of Jesus on his way to the cross Supplication – humbling asking God for help on behalf of another person Temple – a place of worship Tower of Babel – a story in the Old Testament explaining the origin of different languages Transubstantiation – the complete change that occurs at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass. The bread is changed in to the Body of Christ, and the wine is changed in to the Blood of Christ, even though the appearances of the bread and wine are not changed Yahweh – An Old Testament name for God Prayers and Concepts to Know Stations of the Cross Idea of Christian Service as an Act of Charity Lesson Themes
Our Lady Queen of Peace
2700 South 19th Street Arlington, Virginia, 22204, USA 703-979-5580 Office 703-979-5590 Fax [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed on federal holidays) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 6 pm (young adult) |