Grades 3-4
Grade 3
Goal: to help the child come to a deeper understanding of the Church as a community of faith which he/she belongs. Instructional Objectives:
Vocabulary (new to grade) Apostles Creed – a statement of belief. Assumption of Mary – when Mary rose to Heaven to live with God and Jesus. Confirmation – the sacrament in which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to give us courage to live as Jesus’ disciples. Creator – a name for God who made the universe and everything in it.
Mystery – something that is difficult or impossible to explain or understand. Pentecost – the day the Holy Spirit came to the disciples
Prayers to Know: Apostles Creed Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary Lesson Themes
Grade 4
Goal: To help the student understand that followers of Jesus are called to share the Good News of Jesus with others and to build the Kingdom of God on earth by living as a disciple of Jesus. Instructional Objectives:
Vocabulary Ark of the Covenant – a box of wood that was covered with pure gold, which stored the tablets that the 10 Commandments were carved on. Beatitudes – Guidelines for true happiness taught by Jesus Consecration- the part of the Mass when the priest says the same words as Jesus did over the bread and the wine. Covenant – An agreement or promise between God and his people Kingdom of God – the term used by Jesus to describe the power of God’s love active in our world Manna – food which was supplied by a miracle to the Israelites in the wilderness New Covenant – a new relationship between God and humans, declaring Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior Prophet – someone who brings a message from God to people Salvation History – the story of God’s plan to forgive the sins of his people and restore them to his friendship Savior – a name for Jesus. He became man to save all human beings from sin and death Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy – ways we care about one another’s physical and spiritual needs Tabernacle – a golden treasure box used to house the Eucharist outside of Mass Witness – one who can give evidence based on personal and immediate knowledge of a fact, event, or experience Prayers and Concepts to Know: Acts of Faith, Hope and Love (simple form) How to Say the Rosary Ten Commandments Order of the Mass Examination of Conscience Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy Lesson Themes
Our Lady Queen of Peace
2700 South 19th Street Arlington, Virginia, 22204, USA 703-979-5580 Office 703-979-5590 Fax [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed on federal holidays) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 6 pm (young adult) |