Family Circle Options

There are two options for participating in a Family Circle. Please take a look at the options below and read more about what's involved here.
Option 1: Neighborhood Circle
A "Neighborhood Circle" is a gathering of 6-8 parish families who team together to mediate the Catholic faith through personal faith sharing, scripture based teaching, group celebration of the sacraments, community service and community building activities. This is a "hands on- interactive" approach to learning, where faith is taught, modeled, and practiced in an inter-generational group setting. After registering, groups are formed by geography, age, family size, or special request. Parents receive specific training and instruction before being placed in a Circle. This is not a drop off program. One parent is required to accompany their child and participate in every gathering. Parents meet at the beginning of each program year to calendar their group meetings and assign lesson responsibilities. Lesson support and assistance is available. Registration for the Neighborhood Circle program opens in June. OLQP Circles meet from October - May. Register here.
All Circles MUST submit a monthly attendance record via the link HERE!
Option 2: Home-Based Circle
Parents who choose to form an independent home-based circle, teach their children privately, can benefit from the same structure, training, resources, and materials provided to the Neighborhood Circle program. Religious Education textbooks are offered to all registering families, with text support and appropriate grade level objectives. Registration takes place in June. Parents/guardians are encouraged to facilitate creative, engaging lessons with their kids using our lending library, pre-made lessons, and an assortment of resources available from the DRE. Register here.
Option 1: Neighborhood Circle
A "Neighborhood Circle" is a gathering of 6-8 parish families who team together to mediate the Catholic faith through personal faith sharing, scripture based teaching, group celebration of the sacraments, community service and community building activities. This is a "hands on- interactive" approach to learning, where faith is taught, modeled, and practiced in an inter-generational group setting. After registering, groups are formed by geography, age, family size, or special request. Parents receive specific training and instruction before being placed in a Circle. This is not a drop off program. One parent is required to accompany their child and participate in every gathering. Parents meet at the beginning of each program year to calendar their group meetings and assign lesson responsibilities. Lesson support and assistance is available. Registration for the Neighborhood Circle program opens in June. OLQP Circles meet from October - May. Register here.
All Circles MUST submit a monthly attendance record via the link HERE!
Option 2: Home-Based Circle
Parents who choose to form an independent home-based circle, teach their children privately, can benefit from the same structure, training, resources, and materials provided to the Neighborhood Circle program. Religious Education textbooks are offered to all registering families, with text support and appropriate grade level objectives. Registration takes place in June. Parents/guardians are encouraged to facilitate creative, engaging lessons with their kids using our lending library, pre-made lessons, and an assortment of resources available from the DRE. Register here.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
2700 South 19th Street Arlington, Virginia, 22204, USA 703-979-5580 Office 703-979-5590 Fax [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (closed on federal holidays) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 6 pm (young adult) |